About Us
About Us
Our Club History
Chartered on the 24th June 1972 the Adelaide Hellenic Lions club has for a long period had a fantastic exposure to the public through the Glendi Greek Festival, a celebration of the Greek culture, food and entertainment that started in 1978. This event was originally established as a fundraising event between the Lions Club of Adelaide Hellenic and West Torrens Football Club. It has grown in its history, developing into an acclaimed multicultural festival. It is arguably one of the original ‘food and wine’ festivals in South Australia.
For a new club with only 6 years since its inception to organise and put on such a large event that has become a tradition for over 40 years shows a dedication of its members over that time.
The members of Adelaide Hellenic Lions have certainly displayed the ethos of Lions in the wonderful activities that they have undertaken through the years along with the donations of time and finances to all the worthy causes they have supported.
Over the 50 years the club has contributed over 564 years of Lions service to the community with 18 current members.
2023/24 Club Executive Members

Greg Musarra
President | Greg Musarra |
1st Vice President | John Chefalachis |
Secretary | Anastasia Potiris |
Treasurer | John Chefalachis |
Membership | Evelyn Chefalachis |

Anastasia Potiris
Past Presidents
1972-1973 | Con Nicholas |
1973-1974 | Tom Jackson |
1974-1975 | Michael J Taliangis |
1975-1976 | Arthur Economos |
1976-1977 | George Koutsouvelis |
1977- 1978 | Theodore Athans |
1978-1979 , 1986-1987 | Bill Daniels |
1979-1980 | Arthur Kontopoulos |
1980-1981 | Peter Savas |
1981 -1982 | Peter Spartalis |
1982-1983 , 1983-1984 | Greg Kalyvas |
1984-1985 | Phil Galantomos |
1985-1986 | Bill Stavropoulos |
1987-1988 | Bill Vivlios |
1988-1989 | Tasso Andonas |
1989-1990 | Tom Zafiris |
1990-1991 | Tom Vartzokas |
1991-1992 | Steve Georganas |
1992-1993 , 1993-1994 | Jim Tsagouris |
1994-1995 | Jim Kalliontzis |
1995-1996 , 1996-1997 | Pat Taylor |
1997-1998 , 1998-1999 | John Chefalachis |
1999-2000 , 2000-2001 | Anastasia Potiris |
2001-2002 , 2006-2007 , 2007-2008 | Manuel Chrisan |
2002- 2003 | Peter Louca |
2003-2004 | Pat Taylor |
2008- 2009 , 2009-2010 | Pat Taylor |
2004-2005 , 2005-2006 , 2010 - 2023 | Evelyn Chefalachis |

Lions Clubs are part of community life, in metropolitan cities and in country regions. Clubs are easily identified by our distinctive Logo, the trademark of our International Association, and the ‘We Serve’ motto.
Lions Australia is part of an international association, with people who are joined by the common desire to make their communities better, by using their creativity, enthusiasm and energy.
Lions Clubs International membership currently stands at over 1.4 million in around 45,500 clubs in approximately 202 countries. During the year, individual Lions Clubs perform over 1,500 services each day in their local areas, bringing the association to a level of service never before known.
We are part of the greatest humanitarian service force that has ever existed.
Membership is open to all people of the community in good standing, 18 years and older.