Milo, the Tenterfield Terrier, has been sponsored by the Lions Club of Adelaide Hellenic through the funds raised at our momentous 50th Anniversary Dinner on June 25, 2022.
These funds were generated through an auction conducted during the event, specifically from the sale of the 2004 Athens Olympic Torch. Our esteemed Past President, Manual Chrisan, emerged as the highest bidder, and the resulting funds were generously donated to the Lions Hearing Dogs program, thereby securing the naming rights for our beloved Milo.
We take immense pride in Milo’s achievements and are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the Lions Hearing Dogs initiative. We eagerly anticipate further involvement and support for this noble cause in the near future.
About Australian Lions Hearing Dogs:
For over 40 years, Australian Lions Hearing Dogs (ALHD) has been providing Australians who are deaf or hard of hearing a set of ‘furry ears’ free of charge. In 2020, ALHD delivered just over 650 Australians a professionally trained Hearing Assistance Dog.
One in six Australians suffer from some form of hearing loss and this number continues to rise. Currently, more than 400,000 Australians are suffering from severe or profound hearing loss. Factors impacting these difficulties range from our aging population to noise or occupation induced hearing loss. Many are deaf from birth as well.
Hearing difficulties hurt more than just the individuals inflicted, it flows onto their friends and families. This is where Australian Lions Hearing Dogs makes a real difference.